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Pomerantz Lab »  Lab Members »  Alumni »  Julian Aurigui, B.S
Julian Aurigui, B.S

Julian Aurigui, B.S

  • Staff Research Associate

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University of California, Merced, B.S, Cell Biology, 2009

Touro University California, PharmD., Expected 2019

I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of California, Merced where I also studied T cell development. Following my undergraduate studies, I moved back home and found a job in Harold Bernstein's lab at UCSF. I started as an SRAI and eventually transitioned into an SRAII and Lab Manager. I currently work in the Pomerantz lab as an SRAII. In addition to helping manage our mouse colony, I also work on a project with the goal of differentiating human embryonic stem cells into muscle progenitor cells that can be transplanted.


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