University of California San Francisco

Hua Tian, PhD
Hua Tian, PhD

Supervised Postdoctoral Work, 2014 - 2016
Senior Scientist, Nurix Therapeutics


    Dr. Tian came to the states in 1994 to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Hard-core biochemistry, hours to days in the cold room to purify proteins. After Ph.D, he switched field to work with animal models closer to human. I spent five year embarking on an essential developmental pathway (Hedgehog) in mouse at Harvard University. Then he moved to Genentech to apply he knowledge in the mouse to clinical drug development. He played a pivotal role in developing Hedgehog pathway inhibitor in the treatment of skin cancer and brain tumor. His current role in the lab is to investigate muscle stem cell self-renewal and activation, in the context of aging, injury and denervation



    Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, 1999

    B.S. Genentics, Nankai University, China, 1993


    Clinical Interests

    Muscle regeneration


    Colon cancer

    Pancreatic cancer

    Research Interests

    Translational Bench to Bedside Research

    Stem cell biology

    Regenerative medicine
